API Guide for OA

API PortalEnvironment
  • Created At : 2023-06-01
  • Last Updated
    • Article中新增Video与Youtube的关联 (2024-07-28)
    • 新增Youtube中后台管理及前端Web调用API (2024-07-22)
    • 新增Ads中后台管理及前端Web调用API (2024-06-28)

The Definitions of Success and Error

  • Success
  "success": "xxx",
  "data": {
  • Error
  "error": "xxx"


Interface Contracts 接口约定

1、以 /v{n}/open 开头的API为开放式 API,无需任何认证即可调用;

2、以 /v{n}/platform 开头的API为中后台管理数据之用,采用 Token 认证方式 + POST 数据提交方式;

3、以 /v{n}/web 开头的API为前台Web展示之用,采用app_id认证方式,无明确说明,将支持 GET/POST 提交方式;

4、系统依不同语言做了分区域与分数据库操作,所有接口(除Open API)必须携带语言参数(lang),同时禁止更新内容操作时修改语言(可以通过复制功能进行语言的修改)。

Open API

List Service 获取服务列表

GET/POST /v1/open/service/list

  • =》

开放API, 无请求方式或参数限制

  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "list": [
  • 注意

服务类型为wallpaper, ads时,上传的图片将采用前端自定义的文件名,服务端将不再进行文件重命名!

List Site 获取站点列表

GET/POST /v1/open/site/list

  • =》

开放API, 无请求方式或参数限制

  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": [
      "id": 1001,
      "name": "Animal Good News",
      "domain": "animalgoodnews.com"
      "id": 1002,
      "name": "Travel Finally",
      "domain": "travelfinally.com"
      "id": 1003,
      "name": "Mid Story Mag",
      "domain": "midstorymag.com"
      "id": 1004,
      "name": "Good Life Mag",
      "domain": "goodlifemag.co"
      "id": 1005,
      "name": "Planet Licker",
      "domain": "planetlicker.com"
      "id": 1006,
      "name": "All Saints",
      "domain": "allsaints.goodlifemag.co"
      "id": 1007,
      "name": "Scented Weekend",
      "domain": "scentedweekend.com"
      "id": 1008,
      "name": "Itsfun Mag",
      "domain": "itsfunmag.com"
      "id": 1010,
      "name": "Alsafar Now",
      "domain": "alsafarnow.com"
      "id": 1011,
      "name": "Arab Living Mag",
      "domain": "arablivingmag.com"
      "id": 1012,
      "name": "Arabic Itsfun Mag",
      "domain": "arabic.itsfunmag.com"
      "id": 1013,
      "name": "Yalla Wiki",
      "domain": "yallawiki.com"
      "id": 1014,
      "name": "Yalla Itslife",
      "domain": "yallaitslife.com"
      "id": 1015,
      "name": "Arabic AnimalGoodNews",
      "domain": "arabic.animalgoodnews.com"

List Cid 获取渠道号列表

GET/POST /v1/open/cid/list

  • =》

开放API, 无请求方式或参数限制

  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "list": [

Open IP 开放IP服务

GET /v1/open/ip?ip={ip}&ua={ua}&test={test}

  • =》

注意:仅支持GET方式,ip,ua,test 三个参数可选

ip:   (可选)如果不带ip参数,默认将获取用户的ip
ua:   (可选)浏览器的ua,建议带上,值为:encodeURIComponent(navigator.userAgent)
test: (可选)为空或为0时,将是生产级限制;为1时做测试使用,无语言与IP限制
time: (可选)为空或不为0时,将进行时间限制;为0时无时间限制
  • 《=

Demo Url: /v1/open/ip?ip=

  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
  "code": "EG",
  "app_id": "ume-scan-sc-arabic",
  "apk_key": "0b5c8eb0b691ab90b89ba85aea57a7ba54796fd0",
  "info": {
    "beginIP": "",
    "endIP": "",
    "dataA": "埃及",
    "dataB": ""
  "locale": {
    "language": "en",
    "region": "US"
  "ip": "",
  "ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
  "version": "20240612",
  "current": "2024-06-14 15:43:00"


Common API

Upload API 上传接口

POST /v1/platform/upload

  • 注意

Content-Type : multipart/form-data

  • =》
data = {
   "token" :"xxx", //必填
   "lang": "ar",  //必填
   "type": "article" //必填 

files = [
  "file_1" : "/data/1.jpg",
  "file_2" : "/data/2.jpg",
  "file_3" : "/data/3.jpg"

data.type : 表示服务类型,从服务列表中选其一, 当服务为wallpaper时保留原文件名,其它类型时文件名将被自动重命名。

  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "files": "https://oa.sve.cc/i/ar/article/20240102/202401022320401723.jpg,https://oa.sve.cc/i/ar/article/20240102/202401022320403068.avif,https://oa.sve.cc/i/ar/article/20240102/202401022320405055.jpeg"
  • 参考实例
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <title>Upload Demo</title>

  <form id="frm">
    <input type="text" name="token">
    <input type="text" name="type">
    <input type="text" name="lang">
    <input type="file" nmae="file[]" id="upload_file" multiple />
    <button type="button" onclick="upload()">Submit</button>
    function upload() {
      let formData = new FormData();
      let files = document.getElementById("upload_file").files;
      for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
        formData.append('file_'+i, files[i]);
      formData.append('token', document.querySelector('input[name=token]').value);
      formData.append('type', document.querySelector('input[name=type]').value);
      formData.append('lang', document.querySelector('input[name=lang]').value);
      let url = '/v1/platform/upload';
      fetch(url, {
        method: 'POST',
        body: formData,
      }).then((res) => {
        status = res.status;
        return res.json();
      }).then(json => {
      }).catch((e) => {
      }).finally(() => {
        console.log('status: ' + status);



POST /v1/platform/chat-gpt

  • =》
  "token": "xxx",//必填
  "lang": "ar",  //必填
  "qas": ["帮介绍一下Javascript是什么","Javascript是一种广泛使用的编程语言,用于在网页上实现交互功能。它是一种基于对象的脚本语言,最初被设计用于客户端网页开发,但现在可以用于服务器端开发和其他应用程序中的编程。Javascript通常与HTML和CSS一起使用,用于创建交互式和动态的用户界面,包括表单验证、网站导航菜单、页面加载和动画。Javascript还允许开发人员与Web API进行交互,例如浏览器API、DOM API和Ajax API等。 Javascript的语法简单易学,易于入门,但也具有一定的复杂性和灵活性,可以实现高级的应用程序和功能。","使用它写一个冒泡算法"]

qas: 表示会话的问题与AI返回的答案

  • 《=
  "id": "chatcmpl-741fro5JlhvjTeNEaK5N5RYncuGaN",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1681194103,
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo-0301",
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 243,
    "completion_tokens": 292,
    "total_tokens": 535
  "choices": [{
    "message": {
      "role": "assistant",
      "content": "以下是使用Javascript写的冒泡排序算法:\n\n```javascript\nfunction bubbleSort(arr) {\n  var len = arr.length;\n  for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {\n  for (var j = 0; j < len - 1 - i; j++) {\n    if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {\n    var temp = arr[j];\n    arr[j] = arr[j + 1];\n    arr[j + 1] = temp;\n    }\n  }\n  }\n  return arr;\n}\n\n// 测试代码\nvar arr = [10, 5, 6, 8, 1, 3, 9, 4, 7, 2];\nconsole.log(bubbleSort(arr)); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]\n```\n\n这个函数接受一个数组作为参数,并返回一个排序后的数组。它使用两个嵌套的循环来遍历数组,每次比较相邻的两个元素并交换它们的位置,直到排序完成为止。时间复杂度为O(n^2),不适合用于大型数组的排序。"
    "finish_reason": "stop",
    "index": 0

User API

  • 注意

    (1). 这里的User API是针对中后台操作者的帐号管理之用;

    (2). User API做为公共数据无语言之分,传递的语言参数值不做限制,建议直接传递'lang: en';

    (3). token格式为:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx,以点分号5部分组成: uuid.timestamp.type.uid.cid;

    (4). 平台给予token在单一设备登录的过期时间为180天,更换设备token立即失效,需重新登录;

    (5). token中的type为帐号类型:1=> 超级管理员,2=>管理员,4=>编辑者,8=>审核员;

    (6). 部分接口会有帐号类型权限的限制,均会在每个接口中单独说明或提及。

Login User 用户登录

POST /v1/platform/user/login

  • =》
  "username": "xxx", //必填, 用户名为用户输入的email或mobile
  "password": "xxx" //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "token": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

Verify Token 校验Token

POST /v1/platform/user/verify

  • =》
  "token": "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.xx" //必填
  • 《=


  "error": "Login has expired."


  "success": "OK",
  "data": "Token is available."

All User 获取所有用户

POST /v1/platform/user/all

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "list": [{
      "id": 1027,
      "name": "xxx",
      "fullname": "xxx",
      "avatar": "xxx"

List User 获取用户列表

POST /v1/platform/user/list


  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "offset": 0, //分页或更多使用,为空时,默认为0
  "limit": 10  //每次拉取条数,为空时,默认为10,最大100
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 26,
    "list": [{
      "id": 1027,
      "uuid": "xxx",
      "type": 4,
      "name": "xxx",
      "fullname": "xxx",
      "avatar": "xxx",
      "email": "xxx@xxx.com",
      "mobile": "xxx",
      "flag": 0,
      "login_count": 11,
      "refresh_at": 1704523063,
      "updated_at": 1704523063

Detail User 获取用户详情

POST /v1/platform/user/detail


  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1027 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1027,
    "uuid": "xxx",
    "type": 4,
    "name": "xxx",
    "fullname": "xxx", 
    "avatar": "xxx", 
    "brief": "xxx", 
    "remark": "xxx", 
    "email": "xxx@xxx.com",
    "ip": "xxx",
    "ua": "xxx",
    "mobile": "xxx",
    "login_count": 11,
    "flag": 0,
    "created_at": 1704449101,
    "updated_at": 1704524519

Create User 新建用户

POST /v1/platform/user/create


  • =》
  "token": "xxx",
  "lang": "en",
  "type": 4,
  "name": "xxx", //名称或昵称,不做为帐号登录
  "email": "xxx@xxx.com", //可做为帐号登录
  "mobile": "xxx", //可做为帐号登录
  "fullname": "xxx", //本地语言的姓名
  "avatar": "xxx", //用户头像
  "brief": "xxx", //个人简介
  "remark": "xxx", //备注
  "password": "xxx"
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1152,
    "uuid": "a83417caa7ce4c4f859a3c399198a77f",
    "type": 4,
    "name": "editor_16",
    "email": "editossr_16@umeweb.com",
    "mobile": "xxx",
    "fullname": "xxx", 
    "avatar": "xxx", 
    "brief": "xxx", 
    "remark": "xxx", 
    "ip": "",
    "ua": "",
    "login_count": 0,
    "flag": 0,
    "created_at": 1706173221,
    "updated_at": 1706173221

Update User 更新用户信息

POST /v1/platform/user/update


  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1000, //必填
  "type": 4, //必填
  "name": "xxx", //名称或昵称,不做为帐号登录
  "email": "xxx@xxx.com", //可做为帐号登录
  "mobile": "xxx", //可做为帐号登录,
  "fullname": "xxx", //本地语言的姓名
  "avatar": "xxx", //用户头像
  "brief": "xxx", //个人简介
  "remark": "xxx" //备注
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Remove User 移除用户

POST /v1/platform/user/remove


  • 注意:

(1). 不允许移除自己的帐号;
(2). 移除的帐号将处于被锁定状态无法进行登录操作;
(3). 移除的帐号已登录状态将立即失效。

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Reset Password 重置密码

POST /v1/platform/user/reset


  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001, //必填
  "password": "xxx" //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Author API

注意: Author模块的所有操作功能,需要满足权限:超级管理员 或 管理员

All Author 获取所有作者

POST /v1/platform/author/all

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "list": [{
      "id": 1027,
      "name": "xxx",
      "fullname": "xxx",
      "avatar": "xxx"

List Author 获取作者列表

POST /v1/platform/author/list

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "offset": 0, //分页或更多使用,为空时,默认为0
  "limit": 10  //每次拉取条数,为空时,默认为10,最大100
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 26,
    "list": [{
      "id": 1027,
      "name": "xxx",
      "fullname": "xxx",
      "avatar": "xxx",
      "email": "xxx@xxx.com",
      "flag": 0,
      "login_count": 11,
      "created_at": 1704523063,
      "updated_at": 1704523063

Detail Author 获取作者详情

POST /v1/platform/author/detail

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1027 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1027,
    "name": "xxx",
    "fullname": "xxx", 
    "avatar": "xxx", 
    "brief": "xxx", 
    "remark": "xxx", 
    "email": "xxx@xxx.com",
    "flag": 0,
    "created_at": 1704449101,
    "updated_at": 1704524519

Save Author 新建或更新作者

POST /v1/platform/author/save

  • =》
  "token": "xxx",
  "lang": "en",
  "id": 123, //id为空或为0时,表示新增,反之为更新信息
  "name": "xxx", //名称或昵称,不做为帐号登录
  "fullname": "xxx", //本地语言的姓名
  "avatar": "xxx", //用户头像
  "brief": "xxx", //个人简介
  "remark": "xxx", //备注
  "email": "xxx@xxx.com", //邮箱
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1027,
    "name": "xxx",
    "fullname": "xxx", 
    "avatar": "xxx", 
    "brief": "xxx", 
    "remark": "xxx", 
    "email": "xxx@xxx.com",
    "flag": 0,
    "created_at": 1704449101,
    "updated_at": 1704524519

注意: 后台做了fullname的唯一性判断,如果fullname有重复时会进行出错提示!

Remove Author 移除作者

POST /v1/platform/author/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Article API

  • 注意:

(1). classify表示文章类型:1 => Topic,2 => Wallpaper, 4=> Topstory;

List Article 获取文章列表

POST /v1/platform/article/list

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "ar", //必填
  "classify": 0, //默认为0,可以单个使用(支持按位或操作查询)
  "id": 0, //默认为0
  "category": "xxx", //默认为空
  "sub": "xxx", //默认为空
  "issue": "xxxx-xx-xx", //默认为空
  "site_id": -1, //默认为空或-1时,表示所有
  "status": 0, //0表示所有,其它数值可以单个使用(支持按位或操作查询)
  "offset": 0, //分页或更多使用,为空时,默认为0
  "limit": 10  //每次拉取条数,为空时,默认为10,最大100
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "total": 1,
    "list": [{
      "id": 1007,
      "user_id": 1001, 
      "history_id": 1001,
      "classify": 1,
      "title": "This is just a title.",
      "alias": "This is just a alias.",
      "slug": "this-is-just-a-title",
      "cover": "https://xxx.com/i/xxx-w=128&t=auto.jpg",
      "category": "Food",
      "sub": "Cake",
      "issue": "2024-01-10",
      "wallpaper": "https://xxx.com/i/xxx-w=128&t=auto.jpg",
      "site_id": 0,
      "remark": "xxx",
      "status": 0,
      "updated_at": 1704537290,
      "lang": "ar"

Save Article 新建或更新文章

POST /v1/platform/article/save

  • =》
  "token": "xxx",
  "id": 0,
  "history_id": 1001,
  "classify": 1,
  "lang": "ar",
  "category": "Food",
  "sub": "Cake",
  "title": "This is just a title.",
  "alias": "This is just a alias.",
  "on_screen": "xxxx",
  "cover": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
  "via": "UnSplash",
  "url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
  "author_id": 1235,
  "tags": "aaa,bbb",
  "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
  "summary": "This is just a summary",
  "json": "",
  "wallpaper": "https://xxx.com/i/xxx.jpg",
  "wallpaper_via": "xxx",
  "wallpaper_url": "https://xxx.jpg",
  "remark": "xxx",
  "issue": "2024-01-10",
  "site_id": 0, //站点ID,从站点列表中获取
  "video_id": 0, 
  "youtube_id": 0,
  "mode": 0,
  "status": 0,
  "paragraphs": [{
    "title": "This is a result",
    "alias": "This is a result",
    "image": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
    "via": "Google",
    "url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
    "content": "This is just a content",
    "json": ""
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": "1008"

Detail Article 获取文章详情

POST /v1/platform/article/detail

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1008,
    "user_id": 1009,
    "history_id": 1001,
    "classify": 1,
    "category": "Food",
    "sub": "Cake",
    "title": "This is just a title.",
    "alias": "This is just a alias.",
    "on_screen": "xxxx",
    "slug": "this-is-just-a-title",
    "cover": "https://xxx.com/xxx-w=480&t=auto.jpg",
    "via": "UnSplash",
    "url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
    "author_id": 1035,
    "tags": "aaa,bbb",
    "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
    "summary": "This is just a summary",
    "json": "",
    "wallpaper": "https://xxx.com/i/xxx-w=480&t=auto.jpg",
    "wallpaper_via": "xxx",
    "wallpaper_url": "https://xxx.com/i/xxx-w=480&t=auto.jpg",
    "remark": "xxx",
    "mode": "0",
    "status": 0,
    "issue": "2024-01-10",
    "site_id": 0,
    "video_id": 0, 
    "youtube_id": 0,
    "publish_at": 1704537445,
    "updated_at": 1704537445,
    "paragraphs": [{
      "title": "This is a result",
      "alias": "This is a result",
      "image": "https://xxx.com/xxx-w=480&t=auto.jpg",
      "via": "Google",
      "url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
      "json": "",
      "content": "This is just a content"

Update Issue 更新发行日期

POST /v1/platform/article/update-issue

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
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Update status 更新文章状态

POST /v1/platform/article/update-status

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Batch Status 批量更新文章状态

POST /v1/platform/article/batch-status

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Update Site 更新文章的站点

POST /v1/platform/article/update-site

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Batch Site 批量更新文章的站点

POST /v1/platform/article/batch-site

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Remove Article 移除文章

POST /v1/platform/article/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Article API V2

  • 注意:

(1). classify表示文章类型:1 => Topic,2 => Wallpaper, 4=> Topstory;

List Article 获取文章列表

POST /v2/platform/article/list

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Detail Article 获取文章详情

POST /v2/platform/article/detail

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Update status 更新文章状态

POST /v2/platform/article/update-status

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Batch Status 批量更新文章状态

POST /v2/platform/article/batch-status

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Reviews Article 审核文章列表

POST /v2/platform/article/reviews

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      "history_id": 2721,
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      "title": "Beirut ..Is It still The Arabs' Capital of Tourism?",
      "alias": "بيروت هل مازالت عاصمة السياحة العربية؟",
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      "created": "2024-5-30",
      "lang": "ar"

Quiz API

  • 注意:

(1). classify表示文章类型:1 => Topic,2 => Wallpaper, 4=> Topstory;

List Quiz 获取Quiz列表

POST /v1/platform/quiz/list

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  "classify": 0, //默认为0,可以单个使用(支持按位或操作查询)
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      "type": 1,
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Save Quiz 新建或更新Quiz

POST /v1/platform/quiz/save

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      "score": 10
  • 《=
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  "data": {
    "id": 1002

Detail Quiz 获取Quiz详情

POST /v1/platform/quiz/detail

  • =》
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  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
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Update Issue 更新发行日期

POST /v1/platform/quiz/update-issue

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Update Status 更新Quiz状态

POST /v1/platform/quiz/update-status

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Batch Status 批量更新Quiz状态

POST /v1/platform/quiz/batch-status

  • =》
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Update Site 更新Quiz站点

POST /v1/platform/quiz/update-site

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Batch Site 批量更新Quiz站点

POST /v1/platform/quiz/batch-site

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Remove Quiz 移除Quiz

POST /v1/platform/quiz/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
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Card API

List Card 获取Card列表

POST /v1/platform/card/list

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      "lang": "en"

Save Card 新建或更新Card

POST /v1/platform/card/save

  • =》
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Detail Card 获取Card详情

POST /v1/platform/card/detail

  • =》
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Update Status 更新Card状态

POST /v1/platform/card/update-status

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Batch Status 批量更新Card状态

POST /v1/platform/card/batch-status

  • =》
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  "status": 2, //必填
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Remove Card 移除Card

POST /v1/platform/card/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Guess API

List Guess 获取Guess列表

POST /v1/platform/guess/list

  • =》
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  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 0, //默认为0
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      "status": 1,
      "updated_at": 1704423994,
      "lang": "en"

Save Guess 新建或更新Guess

POST /v1/platform/guess/save

  • =》
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  • 《=
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    "id": 1004,

Detail Guess 获取Guess详情

POST /v1/platform/guess/detail

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1003 //必填
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    "lang": "en"

Update Status 更新Guess状态

POST /v1/platform/guess/update-status

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001, //必填
  "status": 2, //必填
  "remark": "xxx" //选填,默认为空
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Batch Status 批量更新Guess状态

POST /v1/platform/guess/batch-status

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "ids": "1001,1002,1003", //必填
  "status": 2, //必填
  "remark": "xxx" //选填,默认为空
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Remove Guess 移除Guess

POST /v1/platform/guess/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

News API

List News 获取News列表

POST /v1/platform/news/list

  • =》
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  "id": 0, //默认为0
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      "status": 1,
      "updated_at": 1704715490,
      "lang": "en"

Save News 新建或更新News

POST /v1/platform/news/save

  • =》
  "token": "xxx",
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  "status": 1
  • 《=
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    "id": 1007

Detail News 获取News详情

POST /v1/platform/news/detail

  • =》
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Update Status 更新News状态

POST /v1/platform/news/update-status

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  "success": "OK"

Batch Status 批量更新News状态

POST /v1/platform/news/batch-status

  • =》
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Remove News 移除News

POST /v1/platform/news/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Buzz API

  • 注意

Buzz 由原来的老 Quiz迁移过来的,Buzz Api 仅做只读与删除之用,不能进行创建与更新操作。

List Buzz 获取Buzz列表

POST /v1/platform/buzz/list

  • =》
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  "classify": 0, //默认为0,可以单个使用(支持按位或操作查询)
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      "updated_at": 1621506344,
      "lang": "en"

Detail Buzz 获取Buzz详情

POST /v1/platform/buzz/detail

  • =》
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  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1002 //必填
  • 《=
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    "cover_url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
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    "publish_at": 1704254671,
    "questions": [{
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      "img_url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
      "img_via": "Google",
      "answers": [{
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        "correct": "0",
        "score": 10
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      "id": 47,
      "quiz_id": 1002,
      "title": "This is a result",
      "alias": "This is a result",
      "descr": "This is just a descr",
      "descr_alias": "This is just a descr",
      "img": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
      "img_via": "Google",
      "img_url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
      "score_range": "1,100"
    "lang": "ar"

Remove Buzz 移除Buzz

POST /v1/platform/buzz/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Puzzle API

List Puzzle 获取Puzzle列表

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/list

  • =》
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  "id": 0, //默认为0
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  "sub": "xxx", //默认为空
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  "limit": 10  //每次拉取条数,为空时,默认为10,最大100
  • 《=
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      "history_id": 1001,
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      "sub": "Cake",
      "title": "This is just a title.",
      "alias": "This is just a alias.",
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      "img_via": "UnSplash",
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      "descr": "This is just a descr",
      "descr_alias": "This is just a descr alias",
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      "status": 0,
      "updated_at": 1710907382,
      "lang": "ar"

Save Puzzle 新建或更新Puzzle

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/save

  • =》
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  "lang": "ar",
  "category": "Food",
  "sub": "Cake",
  "title": "This is just a title.",
  "alias": "This is just a alias.",
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  "descr": "This is just a descr",
  "descr_alias": "This is just a descr alias",
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  "status": 0,
  "results": [{
    "title": "This is a result",
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    "img_via": "Google",
    "img_url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
    "correct": 0
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
    "id": 1002

Detail Puzzle 获取Puzzle详情

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/detail

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "ar", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK",
  "data": {
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    "sub": "Cake",
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    "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
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      "alias": "This is a result",
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      "img_url": "https://xxx.com/xxx.jpg",
      "correct": 0

Update Status 更新Puzzle状态

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/update-status

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001, //必填
  "status": 2, //必填,
  "remark": "xxx" //选填,默认为空
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Batch Status 批量更新Puzzle状态

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/batch-status

  • =》
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  "lang": "en", //必填
  "ids": "1001,1002,1003", //必填
  "status": 2, //必填,
  "remark": "xxx" //选填,默认为空
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Remove Puzzle 移除Puzzle

POST /v1/platform/puzzle/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "ar", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Video API

List Video 获取视频列表

POST /v1/platform/video/list

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Save Video 新建或更新视频

POST /v1/platform/video/save

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Detail Video 获取视频详情

POST /v1/platform/video/detail

  • =》
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Update Status 更新视频状态

POST /v1/platform/video/update-status

  • =》
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  "status": 2, //必填
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  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Batch Status 批量更新视频状态

POST /v1/platform/video/batch-status

  • =》
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  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Remove Video 移除视频

POST /v1/platform/video/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"

Youtube API

List Youtube 获取Youtube列表

POST /v1/platform/youtube/list

  • =》
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      "alias": "ريو دي جانيرو: مدينة السح",
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Save Youtube 新建或更新Youtube

POST /v1/platform/youtube/save

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Detail Youtube 获取Youtube详情

POST /v1/platform/youtube/detail

  • =》
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Update Status 更新Youtube状态

POST /v1/platform/youtube/update-status

  • =》
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Batch Status 批量更新Youtube状态

POST /v1/platform/youtube/batch-status

  • =》
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  "success": "OK"

Remove Youtube 移除Youtube

POST /v1/platform/youtube/remove

  • =》
  "token": "xxx", //必填
  "lang": "en", //必填
  "id": 1001 //必填
  • 《=
  "success": "OK"


  • 注意:

Ads尺寸,目前支持:300*250、 320x50、320x100

List Ads 获取Ads列表

POST /v1/platform/ads/list

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Save Ads 新建或更新Ads

POST /v1/platform/ads/save

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Detail Ads 获取Ads详情

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Batch Ads 批量更新Ads状态

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Remove Ads 移除Ads

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Report API

Stat for Editor

POST /v1/platform/report/editor

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不填写 start 开始日期与 end 结束日期时,将默认查询最近30天的数据

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Transsion Report

GET https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/v1/report/list

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不填写 start 开始日期与 end 结束日期时,将默认为最近 15 天的数据

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Transsion by Day

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Transsion by Country

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Transsion Archive

GET https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/v1/archive/list

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  • Demo
Article IDCallsVisiblesClicksCTR

XiaoMi Report

XiaoMi Archive

ZTE Report

ZTE Archive

Nubia Report

Nubia Archive


Author API

Detail Author 获取作者详情

GET/POST /v1/web/author/detail

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Author Articles 获取作者的文章

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      "id": 1015,
      "name": "Fatfa Hussein Muhammad",
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      "avatar": "https://oa.sve.cc/i/en/avatar/20240408/202404081236123712.webp",
      "brief": " إن الكتابة جزء مهم من حياتي وآمل أن أنشر رواية يومًا ما. أحب أيضًا العزف على الجيتار والغناء لأن الموسيقى تجعلني في مزاج جيد دائمًا.",
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      "id": 2573,
      "title": "Could Your Introverted Nature Hinder Your Path to Success?",
      "alias": "هل يمكن لطبيعتك الانطوائية أن تعيق طريقك إلى النجاح؟",
      "on_screen": "هل يمكن لطبيعتك الانطوائية أن تعيق طريقك إلى النجاح؟",
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      "cover": "https://cdn.sve.cc/i/ar/article/20240131/202401312309088702.webp",
      "category": "Business",
      "sub": "Personal Growth",
      "summary": "عندما ننظر إلى تصميم مكاتب عمالقة التكنولوجيا الكبرى، فإننا نشهد تعاونًا واضحًا. ما مدى روعة مساحات وحيّزات عمل Google وNetflix! تُشجِّع تصميماتُ الأرضيات المفتوحة والجدران الزجاجية والشرائح وآلات الفشار والطاولات الطويلة في الكافيتريات على التعاون والتواصل.\n\nلقد نشأنا على هذا الاعتقاد بأنه لكي تكون قائدًا ناجحًا، عليك أن تكون شخصًا منفتحًا. لا يمكنك أن تخجل بعيدا في مقصورتك، مستخدماً سماعات Airpods الخاصة بك مرتدياً السترة الخاصة بك ومنغمساً في العمل.\n\nومع ذلك، نظرًا لأن ما يقرب من نصف السكان هم انطوائيون، فليس من السهل على الجميع الاختلاط دائمًا مع زملائهم. هل هذا يعني أنك إذا كنت انطوائيًا، فلن تكون ناجحًا؟ هيا نكتشف!\n",
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Article API

Catalog Author 获取文章分类树

GET/POST /v1/web/article/catalog

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List Article 获取文章列表

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      "id": 2476,
      "title": "The Untold Story: Sudan has twice as many pyramids as Egypt",
      "alias": "القصة غير المروية: عدد الأهرامات في السودان ضعف عدد الأهرامات في مصر",
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      "category": "Culture",
      "sub": "History",
      "summary": "xxx",
      "author": "xxx",
      "publish_at": 1704442508

Discover Article 随机获取文章列表

GET/POST /v1/web/article/discover

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      "on_screen": "هازجة صائد الذباب الغامضة واسعة المنقار: استكشاف سره وأناقته",
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Issue Article 获取发行文章

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    "category": "Travel",
    "sub": "Destination",
    "title": "Socotra Island: Exploring the Alien-Like Landscapes",
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    "cover": "https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/i/u/20230917/202309171450221368.png",
    "via": "Commons.Wikimedia على Rod Waddington الصورة من قبل ",
    "author": {
      "id": 1015,
      "name": "Fatfa Hussein Muhammad",
      "alias": "تسنيم علياء",
      "avatar": "https://oa.sve.cc/i/en/avatar/20240408/202404081236123712.webp"
    "tags": "city",
    "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
    "summary": "تعتبر جزيرة سقطرى في اليمن من الوجهات السياحية الفريدة والمدهشة التي تجربة استكشاف المناظر الطبيعية الشبيهة بالكائنات الفضائية. تحظى هذه الجزيرة بتاريخ غني وتراث ثقافي فريد، حيث تُعَدُّ جزيرة سقطرى جنةً للباحثين عن جمال الطبيعة والمغامرات الشيقة. ",
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      "id": 1071,
      "title": "Rio de Janeiro: a city of magic and charisma",
      "alias": "ريو دي جانيرو: مدينة السحر والكاريزما",
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      "id": 1063,
      "url": "https://youtu.be/RQfX5QtpjeM",
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  2. 如果Article没有与video或youtube关联,video或youtube节点将不会出现!

Detail Article 获取文章详情

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    "id": 1430,
    "category": "Entertainment",
    "sub": "Music",
    "title": "\"Permission to Dance\": BTS' Uplifting and Feel-Good Anthem for Fans Worldwide",
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      "content": "In a world constantly grappling with uncertainties and challenges, music has the remarkable ability to unite hearts and provide solace. It is within this context that BTS, the sensational South Korean boy band, released their uplifting and feel-good anthem, \"Permission to Dance.\" This song transcends language barriers, bringing joy and inspiration to their diverse fan base spread across the globe. With the power of their music, BTS continues to prove why they are a force to be reckoned with, radiating positivity and spreading love wherever they go."
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      "url": "https://youtu.be/RQfX5QtpjeM",
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  • 注意


Article API V2


Catalog Author 获取文章分类树

GET/POST /v2/web/article/catalog

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Ids Article 获取文章所有Ids

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List Article 获取文章列表

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      "title": "The Untold Story: Sudan has twice as many pyramids as Egypt",
      "alias": "القصة غير المروية: عدد الأهرامات في السودان ضعف عدد الأهرامات في مصر",
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Discover Article 发掘文章列表

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      "id": 1954,
      "title": "The Enigmatic Broad-Billed Motmot: Exploring its Mystery and Elegance",
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      "on_screen": "هازجة صائد الذباب الغامضة واسعة المنقار: استكشاف سره وأناقته",
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        "id": 1015,
        "name": "Fatfa Hussein Muhammad",
        "alias": "تسنيم علياء",
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Issue Article 获取发行文章

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  "data": {
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    "category": "Travel",
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    "title": "Socotra Island: Exploring the Alien-Like Landscapes",
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    "cover": "https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/i/u/20230917/202309171450221368.png",
    "via": "Commons.Wikimedia على Rod Waddington الصورة من قبل ",
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      "id": 1015,
      "name": "Fatfa Hussein Muhammad",
      "alias": "تسنيم علياء",
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    "publish_at": 1700117662,
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    "video": {
      "id": 1071,
      "title": "Rio de Janeiro: a city of magic and charisma",
      "alias": "ريو دي جانيرو: مدينة السحر والكاريزما",
      "slug": "rio-de-janeiro-a-city-of-magic-and-charisma",
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      "remark": "ريو دي جانيرو: مدينة السحر والكاريزما",
      "updated_at": 1718879898
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      "id": 1063,
      "url": "https://youtu.be/RQfX5QtpjeM",
      "updated_at": 1722066494
  • 注意
  1. 为了保证数据的完整性,当无法获取到对应issue的Article时,API会随机返回一条数据
  2. 如果Article没有与video或youtube关联,video或youtube节点将不会出现!

Quiz API

Catalog Quiz 获取Quiz分类树

GET/POST /v1/web/quiz/catalog

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Ids Quiz 获取Quiz所有Ids

GET/POST /v1/web/quiz/ids

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      "id": 1004,
      "slug": "how-well-do-you-know-your-favorite-tv-shows-take-our-entertainment-quiz-to-find-out",
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List Quiz 获取Quiz列表

GET/POST /v1/web/quiz/list

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      "classify": 1,
      "title": "How Well Do You Know Your Favorite TV Shows? Take Our Entertainment Quiz to Find Out!",
      "alias": "ما مدى معرفتك ببرامجك التلفزيونية المفضلة؟ شارك في اختبارنا الترفيهي لتعرف الإجابة!",
      "slug": "how-well-do-you-know-your-favorite-tv-shows-take-our-entertainment-quiz-to-find-out",
      "cover": "https://creator.quiz.top/i/u/20230811/202308111710411295.jpg",
      "category": "Entertainment",
      "sub": "TV",
      "author": "xxx",
      "publish_at": 1705004892

Discover Quiz 发掘Quiz列表

GET/POST /v1/web/quiz/discover

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  "classify": 0, //选填,默认为0,0表示所有,可以单个使用(支持按位或操作查询)
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      "classify": 1,
      "title": "What's Your Heart Health IQ?",
      "alias": "ما هو معدل الذكاء الخاص بصحة قلبك؟",
      "slug": "whats-your-heart-health-iq",
      "cover": "https://creator.quiz.top/i/u/20230814/202308142238272794.jpg",
      "category": "Lifestyle",
      "sub": "Healthy",
      "author": "xxx",
      "publish_at": 1704909456

Issue Quiz 获取发行Quiz

GET/POST /v1/web/quiz/issue

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  "data": {
    "id": 1007,
    "category": "Entertainment",
    "sub": "Music",
    "title": "Match the Pop Star to Their Titles: Take Our Quiz and Show Your Expertise!",
    "alias": "قم بمطابقة نجم البوب ​​مع ألقابه: شارك في اختبارنا وأظهر خبرتك!",
    "slug": "match-the-pop-star-to-their-titles-take-our-quiz-and-show-your-expertise",
    "cover": "https://oa.sve.cc/i/u/20230811/202308111839135237.jpg",
    "cover_via": "Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash",
    "author": "لينا عشماوي",
    "tags": "pop star",
    "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
    "descr": "This quiz tests your knowledge of popular music by challenging you to match various pop stars with their notable titles. By correctly identifying the artists associated with their famous titles, you can demonstrate your expertise in the world of pop music. Put your knowledge to the test and see how many matches you can make!",
    "publish_at": 1705076136,
    "lang": "ar"
  • 注意


Detail Quiz 获取Quiz详情

POST /v1/web/quiz/detail

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    "classify": 1,
    "title": "What's Your Heart Health IQ?",
    "alias": "ما هو معدل الذكاء الخاص بصحة قلبك؟",
    "author": "فاروق عزام",
    "category": "Lifestyle",
    "sub": "Healthy",
    "type": 1,
    "format": "2-up",
    "cover": "https://creator.quiz.top/i/u/20230814/202308142238272794.jpg",
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    "tags": "health",
    "tags_alias": "aaa,bbb",
    "descr": "This quiz is designed to test your knowledge about heart health and assess your understanding of various aspects related to heart disease prevention and symptoms. By taking this quiz, you can evaluate your heart health knowledge and learn important facts about preventing heart disease, recognizing symptoms, and understanding risk factors. Remember, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for accurate information and guidance regarding heart health.",
    "descr_alias": "تم تصميم هذا الاختبار لاختبار معلوماتك حول صحة القلب وتقييم فهمك لمختلف الجوانب المتعلقة بالوقاية من أمراض القلب وأعراضها. من خلال إجراء هذا الاختبار، يمكنك تقييم معرفتك بصحة القلب ومعرفة حقائق مهمة حول الوقاية من أمراض القلب، والتعرف على الأعراض، وفهم عوامل الخطر. تذكر أنه من الضروري استشارة أخصائي الرعاية الصحية للحصول على معلومات وإرشادات دقيقة فيما يتعلق بصحة القلب.",
    "publish_at": 1704909456,
    "questions": [{
      "title": "Which of the following is a major risk factor for heart disease? ",
      "alias": "أي من التالي هو عامل خطر رئيسي لأمراض القلب ؟",
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      "img_url": "https://unsplash.com/photos/IJ0KiXl4uys",
      "img_via": "Photo by Markus Frieauff on Unsplash",
      "answers": [{
        "title": "Consuming a balanced diet",
        "alias": "تناول نظام غذائي متوازن",
        "bg_color": "#EE332B",
        "img": "",
        "img_url": "",
        "img_via": "",
        "correct": 0,
        "score": 0
    "results": [{
      "title": "Beginner",
      "alias": "مبتدئ",
      "descr": "Congratulations on taking the first step toward improving your heart health knowledge. You have a basic understanding of heart health, but there is much more to learn. ",
      "descr_alias": "تهانينا على اتخاذ الخطوة الأولى نحو تحسين معرفتك بصحة القلب. لديك فهم أساسي لصحة القلب، ولكن هناك الكثير لتتعلمه.",
      "img": "https://creator.quiz.top/i/u/20230815/202308151650063445.jpg",
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Card API

List Card 获取Card列表

GET/POST /v1/web/card/list

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      "title": "أنت متفق مع ذاتك، فأنت واثق بنفسك وتظهر سلامًا داخليًا واضحًا، كما أنك مفعمًا بالحيوية والحماس، ونتيجة لهدوئك الخارجي، يشعر جميع من حولك بالراحة في وجودك.",
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Discover Card 发掘Card列表

GET/POST /v1/web/card/discover

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      "category": "Lifestyle",
      "sub": "Relationship",
      "title": "سوف تحصل على السكينة والصفاء الذهني اللذان طالما بحثت عنهما. من خلال تلك القوة الداخلية، فأنك تنبع منك الثقة والنزاهة.",
      "imgs": "https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/i/u/20231120/202311201146579277.jpg,https://wallpaper.lockscreen.cc/i/u/20231120/202311201146575651.png",
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Detail Card 获取Card详情

POST /v1/web/card/detail

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    "category": "Lifestyle",
    "sub": "Relationship",
    "title": "\" في الغالب لن تصادفك أية عقبات من الآخرين، وسوف تتعرف على أشخاص جدد بسرعة وبأقل مجهود. إذا استخدمت هذه المعرفة، فسوف تتحقق الصداقات المجدية على المدى البعيد.\"",
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Guess API

Catalog Guess 获取Guess分类树

GET/POST /v1/web/guess/catalog

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List Guess 获取Guess列表

GET/POST /v1/web/guess/list

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      "question": "How big is tarsier monkey",
      "question_alias": "ما هو حجم القرد التارسير؟",
      "answer": "It's small, 10-15cm",
      "answer_alias": "انها صغيرة، 10-15 سم",
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Discover Guess 发掘Guess列表

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      "category": "Travel",
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      "question": "What is the name of capital city of Thailand?",
      "question_alias": "ما هو اسم عاصمة تايلاند؟",
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      "guess_img_via": "By This Photo was taken by Supanut Arunoprayote.Feel free to use any of my images, but please mention me as the author and may send me a message.(สามารถใช้ภาพได้อิสระ แต่กรุณาใส่เครดิตผู้ถ่ายและอาจส่งข้อความบอกกล่าวด้วย)Please do not upload an updated image here without consultation with the Author. The author would like to make corrections only at his own source. This ensures that the changes are preserved.Please if you think that any changes should be required, please inform the author.Otherwise you can upload a new image with a new name. Please use one of the templates derivative or extract. - Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=68151298",
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Detail Guess 获取Guess详情

POST /v1/web/guess/detail

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    "category": "Animals",
    "sub": "Cats",
    "question": "Is this a cat?",
    "question_alias": "هل هذه قطة؟",
    "answer": "This is a Sphynx cat",
    "answer_alias": "هذه قطة أبو الهول",
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News API

List News 获取News列表

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      "title": " المصارف الأمريكية تستعد لتسجيل قروض رديئة بأكثر من 24 مليار دولار",
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      "source": "Argaam",
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      "summary": "بعد سيل من الفرص المهدرة تحديدا في الشوط الأول، خرج منتخب إيطاليا بنقطة تعادل كافية أمام أوكرانيا، ليحجز مقعده في يورو 2024...",
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Puzzle API

Catalog Puzzle 获取Puzzle分类树

GET/POST /v1/web/puzzle/catalog

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Ids Puzzle 获取Puzzle所有Ids

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List Puzzle 获取Puzzle列表

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Discover Puzzle 发掘Puzzle列表

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Detail Puzzle 获取Puzzle详情

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Video API

Ids Video 获取视频所有Ids

GET/POST /v1/web/video/ids

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List Video 获取视频列表

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  • 注意


Discover Video 发掘视频列表

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Explore Video 探索视频列表

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Detail Video 获取视频详情

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  • 注意


Youtube API

Ids Youtube 获取Youtube所有Ids

GET/POST /v1/web/youtube/ids

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List Youtube 获取Youtube列表

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  • 注意


Discover Youtube 发掘Youtube列表

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        "alias": "ريو دي جانيرو: مدينة السحر والكاريزما",
        "slug": "rio-de-janeiro-a-city-of-magic-and-charisma",
        "author": {
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  • 注意
  1. 如果Youtube没有与文章关联,article节点将不会出现!
  2. 如果article没有与author关联,author节点将不会出现。

Explore Youtube 探索Youtube列表

GET/POST /v1/web/youtube/explore

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Detail Youtube 获取Youtube详情

GET/POST /v1/web/youtube/detail

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      "alias": "جولة شيقة في أشهر معالم الأردن",
      "slug": "an-interesting-tour-to-jordans-most-popular-sites"
  • 注意



Discover Ads 发掘Ads列表

GET/POST /v1/web/ads/discover

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Taboola API

Euro 2024 获取欧洲杯Widget

GET/POST /v1/taboola/widget/euro2024

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